Musicians-Network Compare Insurance for Musicians built into our Memberships

Let's Compare Musician Memberships and see which is right for you

Membership of Musicians-Network gives you Member Benefits including Public Liability Insurance for just £29 a year!

We offer two levels of cover - £5m and £10m. Some venues (high end hotels and many Council venues) will insist on seeing £10m PLI, others will be satisfied with £5m

Our Premium Membership can give you Public Liability Insurance PLUS access to Equipment Insurance for your precious Instruments and gear.

With Musicians-Network Membership, £6,000 of cover will cost just £70 a year. £10,000 costs just £100!

Premium Membership costs £75, Discounted Equipment cover is then £70 for £6k of cover or £100 for £10k. Other amounts are available to suit your needs.
